It’s official, I have a website!
This was long-overdue but I finally got there after continuously only using social media for my work. It’s only been the last couple of years where I’ve felt like I’ve been on the right path in terms of my artistic practice. So if you’ve been following me throughout my journey already, thank you for supporting me! If you’re new, hey there, welcome to my journey - a journey which many people (especially women) can relate to.
My art is my life…quite literally! My work is a documentation of my journey in relation to my health (with other shit life will throw at me). Having chronic health conditions is a constant journey and a journey many are also going through. There’s a lot of ups and downs (a lot more downs than ups to be quite honest) to chronic health conditions - I’m talking both physical and mental. It’s been quite a journey for me already and shit only kicked off for me in 2016…a LOT has happened in four years. I’ve been keeping a journal of my journey since the last three months of 2017 - which include writings, documents, texts, photos, sketches…anything I can use to document my journey really! So this website is showing the different aspects of my physical journal and I will start writing up blogs weekly or biweekly (I haven’t decided yet) to summarise and share information toasts part of my journey as well as links to research and websites that may be of use to anyone reading!
I know I’ve already had a fair number of people (majority being women as I’ve been sharing more about my gynaecological problems) message me through my social media pages about their experiences. A lot thanking me for sharing my journey because they no longer feel alone. That shit really hit me. So I feel that sharing my journey through my work has an even bigger meaning now, not just to help me let out everything that I’m feeling through being ill. So I really hope my work helps people, even if it’s just to feel like they are not alone in their experiences.
I’m going to keep my site regularly updates with these “journal” blog posts and any new work - some work I won’t even share on my social media. Shout-out to my friend Rekha who designed my website and helped me in making it look all professional because I am absolutely useless with IT stuff.