I’ve just finished my first month of hormone treatment and I’m still waiting to notice any difference if it is helping me. A clear sign of how long it can take for new medication to kick in and how long it takes for your body to adjust to said medication.

I’m now on to the second month of hormone treatment and I honestly cannot tell if it is helping or made any difference because I think my body is only just adjusting to taking the medication. I know things don’t work instantly, your body needs time to adjust to any new medication that goes through your system. I’m not nauseous anymore like I was at the start of the medication so that’s a win at least! It’s just been more difficult to grasp whether or not the abdominal pain has calmed down when I’ve been in a Fibro-flare for, what seems like, forever. Every part of me hurts and I am struggling to get much done due to the amount of pain I’m in. Most of my clothes are hurting me at the moment…the comfy ones as well.

I’ve already had my letter come through from my hospital for my review with my consultant regarding the hormone treatment. The 10th February 2021…that’s scary how close that actually is. 2021 appointments already coming through. Hopefully I’ll have more of an idea of how this medication is working…or not working for me by then. My body just feels so slow at adjusting to things at the moment, maybe because I am just in this constant flare-up. Who knows. It’s been such a strange year. So much has happened but it feels like not much has happened. How is this treatment supposed to feel? It isn’t like I can ask someone else how they did on it because everyone is different and experiences pain, treatment, management etc differently.

Let’s see what the next two months of hormone treatment does.

Yes, I know this isn’t an exciting post, I am merely rambling in hopes someone else can relate to the pain of trying to find ways to manage their pain that will never fully leave

Lauren Kate